Updating D4S firmware
My Nikon D4S had the C firmware 1.20 and L firmware (Distortion Control Data) 2.005. C 1.30 and L 2.009 were available.
I need to do the update from a mac.
C Firmware
Downloading the C firmware was simple.
It downloads a F-D4S-V130M.dmg which contains a D4SUpdate directory that has a D4S_0130.bin file.
- copy that to the root of your memory card
- plug that back into the camera
- Menu -> Setup -> Firmware Version -> Update
L Firmware
This was harder.
Downloading gives you a S-DCDATA-002009MF-ALLIN-32BIT_.dmg which in turn contains a S-DCDATA-002009MF-ALLIN-32BIT_ app.
Starting this prompts you to select language (and if you need it region) - and then starts an installer.
This installer fails with the following error:
OK - so - some googling - here's how I did it.
With the dmg still open - crack open a terminal.
cd /Volumes/S-DCDATA-002009MF-ALLIN-32BIT_/Packages/Distortion\ Control\ Data.pkg/Contents
cp Archive.pax.gz ~
gzip -d Archive.pax.gz
pax -r < Archive.pax
cd tmp/jp.co.nikon.installer.apppkg/Nikon
open .
That should open a finder window with the .bin file sitting in it. Did for me - then you just do the same thing as for C above.
That is:
- change to the directory on disk that is the mounted dmg file - then into a Packages/Distortion\ Control\ Data.pkg/Contents directory within that. Note that if you mount more than once or have a different version of the .dmg then the path here will need adjusting
- get the Archive.pax.gz file and copy it to home directory
- change to home directory
- uncompress the pax file from gzip format
- expand the pax file to its component files - this creates in this case a relative directory called tmp
- change to tmp/jp.co.nikon.installer.apppkg/Nikon
- open it in finder