Snow chains for the summit
2015-02-14 Radio Control

So - the summit slides a bit when the snow is icy on top. Just for fun I thought I'd make some chains for it.

I started with a long length of chain. The links are perhaps a bit small but the next size up was too large.

Then - I looked at the wheel - OK - the tread has a regular pattern - which repeats 10 times. So - 10 cross chains at 25 links.

Then I measured the distance between two end points when two cross chains were in place - OK - so - 8 links inclusive of both - that makes 7 per cross chain or 70 in total.

So each snow chain is 10 at 25 and 2 at 70.

Chain Parts
Chain Parts

Then it's a case of opening links, joining them and closing them again.

Snow chain complete
Snow chain complete

Finally they need mounting - I've currently using proline rock rage 3.8" wheels - so here they are mounted.

Snow chain mounted
Snow chain mounted

I just joined the links - these will be on all snow season - and then when the melt comes I just open a link on each side to remove. It was simpler than making a clip, hook or clamp.


On the snow
On the snow
On the snow
On the snow

Video: Snow Chains - Summit